Things To Keep In Mind While Purchasing A Plot In Udaipur
Are you thinking of buying a new home? Have you enquired about it? Are you buying your first property in Udaipur? Well, you’re at the right place. At HS Infra, we are a team of reputed Professional Architects, Designers, Real Estate Experts, Construction & Renovation Contractors, based in Udaipur Rajasthan. We provide the finest services which include Residential, Interior Designing, Renovation, Architecture, & Govt. Approval with pure quality. But before we begin, there are certain things to keep in mind while purchasing a plot in Udaipur.
There are two types of lands :
1. Agricultural Land
When talking about agricultural lands, all lands are agricultural lands. So no person can use that land for any other purpose. Even the person owing that agricultural land cannot use it for building residences. so, the status of the land converts from agricultural to non-agricultural land. For this matter, UIT holds the power to convert that land for residential purposes.
2. UIT Converted Land
Firstly, what is UIT? So UIT is an ‘Urban Improvement Trust’. A type of statutory body constituted to promote urban development. UIT holds a lot of power from allotment of land to demolition of any building. When thinking of doing construction for the residential purpose, UIT gives permission. If the land is agricultural land then that applies. Thus, when the agricultural land gets converted for the use of residential or commercial purposes by UIT then that is UIT converted land.
There are developers who buy or collaborate with Agriculture landholders. They get their land converted to the residential title. It’s done by fulfilling all the required norms by UIT. They are like drainage, roads, setbacks and electric poles, etc,. Also, there is a key factor to notice that UIT converts land in 60:40 ratio. In this 60% of the land is saleable and 40% is reserved for utilities like roads, parks, etc.
Allotment Letter
Urban Improvement trust provides transparent services to the people. If you want a UIT converted plot then you can apply for the same. You’ll have to submit an application, registered and dated. Further, it will process or disposed of by UIT. If processed and verified then UIT will provide you with an ‘Allotment letter’. This allotment letter is the First document.
This is how an Allotment Letter looks like:-
UIT Patta
The second document is ‘Patta’. Patta – a title deed of the property issued by Urban Improvement Trust to the owner of the property of the land. The registering office will register these documents. Patta is an important document that tells about the ownership of a particular land. Another word for Patta is ‘Records Of Rights (ROR)’.
This is how UIT Patta looks like:-
So these are the things you should keep in mind while purchasing a plot in Udaipur. Now when you know everything, you can surely buy a plot for your new home in Udaipur or allow “HS Infra Projects” to do it all for you.
Conclusion –
So, after the allotment letter and registered UIT patta, it completes the chain of documents and the land also gets the title of the loanable property, on which one can apply for a housing loan from any bank or other financial institutions. One also gets a kind of security from probable frauds and risks associated with agricultural land.
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